Matthew and Sophie's Happy Apple Day, yoga story 3.

Matthew and Sophie’s Happy Apple Day
Matthew and Sophie were visiting Granny.
It had been raining for days and days.
Not just soft misty rain. Tapping fingers on face and head.
But fat, juicy raindrops that formed gigantic puddles.  Pounding feet on the floor while sitting.
“Well my darlings, the rain has finally stopped, let’s go and pick happy apples”, said Granny excitedly. Granny Pose -  Horse stance – standing with legs wide apart and hands in prayer at heart.
So Matthew and Sophie put on their wellies (mime putting on wellies) and jumped down the steps (jumping) and onto the soggy grass and squelchy mud (squelching). 
As the children squelched across field they asked, “what’s a happy apple Granny?”.  
Granny stopped still and took a deep breath. Granny pose and deep breath.
“Well if you can keep a secret I can tell you. Can you keep a secret?” Children call out.
“If you take a bright and shiny apple from the happy apple tree and blow on it three times”. Blow with giant breaths.
“Then stand like a strong warrior and hold the apple to the sky”. Virabhadrasana 2.
“It will slowly turn into a magical happy apple that makes you feel happy all day long, just like a happy, happy baby”. Apple Pose – Happy Baby.
Sit up in cross-legged position.
“Granny, do the fairies know about the happy apple secret?”. Fairy Pose – tree with wings.
“Of course dear, it was the fairies who told me to eat one happy apple a day to keep me bright and happy”. 
After a long walk up hills. Mime uphill walking.
Lots of skipping down hills. Skipping.
And jumping in puddles. Jumping.
The children, came to a tall tree. Tree pose.
And climbed up a long ladder. Climbing mime.
Until they could reach across. Virabhadrasana 1.
And pluck a plump, red apple from the tree.
Carefully, the children and granny climbed down the ladder. Mime climb.
And stood very still with their lovely happy apples.  Tadasana.
Granny said, “are you ready to blow on it three times”. Big, deep breaths.
“Turn in a circle three times”. Turn times 3 and sit down cross-legged.
“Now you may eat your apples”. Apple pose.
The children did feel ever so happy and ever so tired after a long walk, skip and jump to the apple tree. So they stretched and yawned and closed their eyes under the shade of the magic happy apple tree. Shavasana.
