My Home Practice

Have a couple of blocks handy but if you don't have any, adjust poses.  Take many sighs, be vocal and breath deeply.

1.  Child pose.  As long as you like.  Ujjai Breath.  (Take time to come into your body and still your mind).

2.  Hero pose.  Take arms above the head and engage muscles in the arms.

3.  Cat/Cow  - or you could gently slide forward and back.

4.  Strong dog - 4 points of the feet, internal rotation of thighs, tummy tucked, shoulders back and down the spine, claw fingers into mat - take a sigh here.

5.  Deep bend in the knees dog - tummy on thighs - lift heels.

6.  Slide through gracefully to plank.

7.  Cobra.

8. Child for as long as you wish.

9.  Strong dog.

10. Left food forward in low lunge.  Right knee on ground.  Either put a block under the knee or lift knee to block height.  Tent fingers and look to tip of nose.  Transition to lunge on block - arms above head in prayer and then behind head for back-bend.

11. Straighten front leg and drape tummy over thigh.  (If you have blocks place them either side of front foot and lean on them).

12. Side angle pose with block.

13. Earth warrior.

14. Peaceful warrior.

15. Step forward - forward fold.  Take block and squeeze between hands - lift block above head - breathe here.

16. Elbows down to ribs and block in front.

17. Forward fold and step right foot behind left.  Hold here.

18. Dog - move organically here - listen to your body. Spend time playing.  Side plank on right side and move back into Dog.

!9. Bent knee Dog and slide to plank.

20. Cobra.

21. Child.  (You could add a mantra here: may i be happy, may i be healthy, may i be healthy, may i be safe.  Or Ram, Ram, Ram)


1. Mini break in Shavasana.

2. Knees to chest - cross ankles - slide knees forward and back.

3. Keep ankles crossed and lift to sky - exhale legs slowly down, almost to the floor and inhale up again. Repeat as many times as you like or increase intensity.

4. Viparita Karani

5. Shavasana (stay warm...even in summer)


    Home Practice - yummy!
