Yama and Niyama Stories for Early Primary - A Teacher Resource

This term at Summer Cover National School, I will introduce the children to the concepts of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Almost two thousand years ago an Indian philosopher and yogi condensed tow yogic traditions known as Ashtanga and Karma yoga to compose an incredible gift; The Yoga Sutras.

Patanjali separated yoga into eight clear precepts for living a compassionate and loving life.

This term in yoga we will be exploring the Yamas and Niyamas and i will explain how to practice them through storytelling, play and meditation.

The children learn these best through feeling and experience.


Ahimsa - In thought work and deed we act with non-violence.
Satya - We are honest and truthful.
Asteya - We are generous and do not steal.
Bramacharya - We practice moderation.
Aparigraha - We practice gratitude.
Our first class will be focused upon loving kindness - Ahimsa it is called Mr O'Sullivan's Math Class.

Mr Ahimsa's Math Class


It was 1.30 in the afternoon, just after lunch. It was an unusual day because it was so hot.

All the children were a bit tired and cranky too. Some of the children were so restless that they fidgeted and kicked each other under the cramped tables.

Mr Ahimsa scratched his head and wondered aloud, "it is time to do our math lesson but i can see you are all hot and grumpy, we really must do math but it would be a waste of time because you cant concentrate".  The children nodded slowly and yawned.

Mr Ahimsa had a thought, 'what if we sit down in a circle and try to solve this problem together'. He smiled which made all the children smile back- it surprised some of them because they were so cranky and did not think they had a single smile in them.

"Lets sit on the floor with our legs crossed and talk about how to solve this problem" he said.

The children shrugged their shoulders, took a bit sigh and sat on the floor.

"So I would like you to think of one amazing thing about today", Mr Ahimsa said. "Rub your hands together vigorously and then place them over your eyes, this will help you to think".

"Great, has everyone done this?", he asked.

"Now, lets rub our hands again, this time extra fast and extra hard. Then when you put them over your eyes i would like you to think of one amazing thing you did today, you said or you thought. It could be picking up someones pencil and returning it, or placing a baby bird back in its nest, or saying a little prayer for someone".

"Wonderful, now i would like you to think of something that you are not so proud of. It might be saying something nasty to someone, or talking about people behind their back, I would like you to curl into child pose for this", Mr Ahimsa demonstrated child pose.

"If you feel sad or bad about doing or saying something wrong or that got someone into trouble, it is important to forgive yourself and be kind to yourself. When we are kind to ourselves it is much easier to be kind to others".

Mr Ahimsa paused, "listen very carefully to my next instructions".

"I would like you to use your listening ears and listening feelings. One person at a time stand up and go to someone who you don't usually play with. Rub their back a few times, in a kind way and then quietly go back to your place. Then when there is silence that person who had his or her back rubbed will stand up and do the same thing".

After the whole class had a back rub they sat up slowly and happily. They felt calm and relaxed.

"Lie on your backs now, hug in your knees and gently roll from side to side. I know this feels nice, lets try another pose that feels especially good", Mr Ahimsa demonstrated Down Face Dog.

"Down Dog makes everything feel right in the world because it is calming and playful - what could be better than being upside down?" he asked. "So lets do it".

"Is everyone smiling?  It is our last task, smile and the day will feel better, you will feel better and everyone around you will feel brighter too".

The class reluctantly sat back in their seats and began math, which had turned into the best subject ever.
