God in the Yoga Room

We step into the yoga room bare footed.
We move reverently to the mats.
We physically and psychically prostrate ourselves to the experience ahead.

After moments of pranayama, we begin to appreciate the spiritual aura in the room – the tangible connection between students, teacher and space.
It is natural universal consciousness.

It is the dharma of yoga.

In the yoga room we tune into the universal flow of dharma –  undefined, unknown, both imminent and transcendent, all loving and all inclusive.
We experience union. We experience union with Brahman (Absolute God).  We experience liberation. Liberation lies in self-realisation and our yoga room does not confine us to religious etiquette, nor rituals, nor worship. Rather spiritual freedom is found in the spacious heart of the yogi, and in the heart resides connection and higher awareness.

We step off the mat and feel united, joyous and abundant in loving kindness.  We have been challenged physically, and through the muscle, the bone and blood we are altered; even our belief systems are altered. Yoga has positively challenged our belief systems. It has helped us become discriminatory, connected and aware. It has melted ideological and philosophical boundaries. It has softened dogma. We are altered.

At times in our life we wrestle with existential longing, with faith, and authenticity. Yet in the yoga room we have space to breathe, to listen, to be aware. It is a coming home; it is an intimate community of shared experience. A place where we can nurture generosity and cultivate gratitude.  We find we can live intimately with all that is.  We find God in the yoga room.

Practice of Dharma
·         Try not to be guided by base instincts.
·         Identify with your immortal self – neither body or mind
·         Make everyday tasks a practice of self-realization
·         Be mindful of your emotional state – find peace and stability
·         Cultivate Sattva and experience affinity with your spiritual side by avoiding wrong doings, wrong speech and wrong thoughts.
·         Practice non-violence towards any living beings.
·         Practice yoga and meditation.
·         Be positive and curious.
