How to look after yourself and your child in the grip of anxiety

Through the tension of holding your breath before pick up, wondering if he has had an okay day.  

Feeling that line etched between your eyebrows most of the time. 

Finding it hard to breathe through tantrums that explode at home and leave everyone in the house exhausted. 

The constant search for solutions to your child’s anxiety and feeling helpless. Crisis point.

Often it is at crisis point that we are forced into change. What an incredible opportunity to come to a quiet place, stripped and exhausted but able to see beyond the fog.  

It is a necessity now, to look after yourself.  To realise that you are not your child’s worries.  That you begin fresh with logic rather than emotion.

Remove yourself from the emotional investment of the situation and create breathing space in which perspective can blossom.

Practice compassion for yourself, you are not to blame for your child’s anxiety. Nor, are you to blame for not being able to alleviate it. Untie the knots in your stomach and heart, and love yourself as much as you love your child.

Be yogic. Embody your yoga practice outside of the studio. Breathe into the emotions and observe them, allow them to soften.

Children are the greatest yogis. Plant a few seeds of yoga, pranayama and mindfulness and let them grow. Try using my own tried and tested plan:

Pause. Help your child to pause in the midst of anxiety. Make real eye contact and let them know, for that moment you are with them absolutely.
Empathise.  Be empathetic because the source of anxiety is  real to them and frightening.
Logic. Teach them to use logic and together find solutions until they can do so themselves.

Be free, be happy. With guidance your child will find a way to navigate through the depths of anxiety and grow stronger and wiser for it.

Photo Credit by Showface, dreamstime
