The Temple of Nature

The Temple of Nature

Iona recently taught our little Sangha group a meditation technique that supported a deep presence in the heart and body.  She calls it the Cosmic Heart Meditation.  We loved the name Cosmic Heart and the intention of opening our hearts to the room, the atmosphere and then to the cosmos.  With each exhalation; love, love, love.

It was easy to attain that ‘loved-up breath’ in the meditation room which in itself contained a sacred, contemplative silence.  A quality of sympathetic love and unity.  Yet, when we practiced this Cosmic Heart Breath, any limitations of love or tightness of the heart that we may not have recognised earlier, evaporated.  We were drawn together and nourished each other so that our hearts were renewed, positive and weightless.  

Most likely we have all had this experience in the meditation room, where our hearts sing and we touch the silent depths within us.  And, most likely, we sometimes struggle to attain this surge of love on our own cushion that waits for us hopefully in the corner of the bedroom.  

If the meditation cushion isn’t calling your name; move your space to the forests, cliffs, beaches and lakes.  Contemplate the beauty of nature around you.  The heart opens gracefully in the beauty and tranquillity of the natural world.  You may notice that you are more wakeful, that you absorb the many intricate patterns of sounds, the play of breeze and moisture on your face, you may feel a deep and ancient connection with all life around you.  

  1. Begin with a steady, mindful asana and concentrate on your Ujjai Breath and your body sensations.
  2. As you flow through the asana practice you will organically find a place to move into meditation.  
  3. Open your senses to the sounds around you.  The touch of the breeze on your skin, and the earth under your sit-bones. 
  4. Open your eyes in a Drishti gaze.  Focus softly.
  5. Your attention should become effortless.

... you may find that you attract the precious company of a fox, sparrow or bunny.
