We leave our Children the legacy of gross over farming, an extinction crisis, and social isolation. This Christmas gift Dishvara Pranidhana.

 Dishvara Pranidhana at Christmas for our little Yogis.

At a real gut level, we know. We feel it.

It is bigger than us.

We call it many things; the universe, nature, God or divine connection to the soul.

Our children know it. It is in every cell until they begin to mirror us. 

Adults spend so much time in their heads; chattering, judging, condensing thoughts into behaviors and physical manifestations and flitting from one concern, one maladaptive behavior, one glass of Pinot Grigio to the next.

Humans control – it is ingrained in our reptilian survival brain. But how can we let go of control? Relinquish it to nature, to the universe, to God – remember those moments of true and authentic connection. Not just standing on the periphery and thinking, “wow isn’t nature incredible”, but being in it, part of it, integral to it. 

Another approach to manifest Dishvara Pranidhana is service. Yogis serve. Many Yogis believe that serving others is a conduit to seeing the divinity in small things, such as the immense joy of being in giving freely. Dedicating ourselves to humanity, to the path of divinity, of interconnection can be achieved in small ways and crucially, it is a wonderful way to dissolve the idea of 'otherness' which is a dire evolutionary hiccup in our Western individualistic culture.

Also it is possible to practice Dishvara through Mantra and Prayer.

Buddhists call this Metta or prayers of loving kindness to all beings.

Yogis call it Karma Yoga - love everyone, serve all beings and remember God.

We don't need to focus upon how we do it: the opportunities for service are endless. This Christmas we can encourage our children to give and to serve, and the last in our Holy Trinity is that the blessings of service are repaid to them in abundance.

Here are some loving suggestions for parents to practice at Christmas. When parents practice, children mirror and from here individualistic lives will connect with others and integrate - let us eradicate suffering and experience joy through connection.
  • Help them to understand that their place in the world is imperative to all beings.
  • Educate your children about global warming and how they can do small things to help prevent it.
  • Chat to a homeless person, give them a cuppa and your full attention for a few minutes.
  • Metta blessings and Prayer.
Wishing you a love soaked Christmas,
