Space and Time to Heal

Space and Time to Heal

1.      Acknowledge that you are human, therefore you are flawed, and you will suffer.
2.      Running from the multiple layers of thought and emotion causes more hurt. Don’t try to change what appears to you, watch it and welcome it.
3.      Remember the old mantra, this too shall pass.
4.      Travel at your own pace.
5.      Sleep.
6.      Meditate.

After you have quieted your mind and accepted the physical and mental discomfort then it is time to dig deeper.
1.      Look at your situation as an outside observer. Separate the hurt from your own behaviours and experiences. This helps to identify maladaptive behaviour patterns and thoughts.
2.      Ask: what is toxic for me?
3.      Locate the root of suffering. Fear. Not good enough. Social isolation. Or has someone else imposed trauma onto your body and soul.
4.      Ask: do I want to live a true and honest life. Envisage it. Touch into your heart, your soul, your quiet place – there you will find freedom and nourishment.
With Love Veronique
