Sneak Peek at my new book. A Year of Lesson Plans. Critical Thinking. Mindfulness. Yoga. The Ultimate Guide for Nurturing Bright and Healthy Thinkers.

Giving Back to Our Community

Month One 

Week Four

We occupy an increasingly insular world. Ironically, the means of communicating with one another are limitless but the disconnect between this technology and the isolation experienced by so many of our children is frightening. Children are finding solace in games played with strangers, self-soothing loneliness with television and social media, some are even self-harming. These little humans are suffering a great disservice. As mentioned in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, children must belong to a social group and be loved in order to meet cognitive and healthy emotional developmental markers. Many children are floating on the peripheries of the school yard and even isolated in a busy family; this is dangerous.

Humans create meaning through social connection. We thrive in communities. Historically humans have worked, and lived in social groups as a means of survival. Those separated from their tribe would have perished. Tribes or social groups not only play an important role in our identity but they teach us skills to live. One easy solution to shifting focus from a child's isolation to integration, is through charity.

This week aims to cultivate generosity in the students. Generosity is a fundamental part of life and just like meditation it can be practiced. With generosity practice our hearts grow stronger and lighter.
The act of giving to others is learning to give to oneself by creating meaning in relationships and community. Essentially it improves the lives of individuals while giving to the community.

The last week of every month is ‘giving back week’. Sharing our time, our energy and the things that we have learnt with fellow students, teachers, parents and the wider community.

Where does each student fit into the classroom community? Some students need to know you value them and others need to be recognised as individuals.

Displays empathy for others.         Performing for a group.               Lost.
Friendly and bubbly.                         Dependent on a group.                  Alone.
Trusting and open.                            Attention Seeking.                          Rejected by peers.
